Friends In Deed is fortunate to have a core of over 100 dedicated volunteers who generously give their time and talents each week – working an astounding 1,500 hours every month.
Friends In Deed is a crisis center that provides emotional and spiritual support for anyone diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening physical illnesses and all services are free of charge. FID’s staff and volunteers make such an vital impact on the lives of people in crisis that Atlas Merchandise was proud to help out with a donation of tees for their group. If you want to donate money, time or both to this very worthy organization, please check out their website: http://www.friendsindeed.org/donate/.
Friends In Deed is an Accredited Charity of the BBB and a proud participant in the Charity Seal Program, which indicates that their organization has met the 20 Standards for Charity Accountability. For more information about the Standards, please visit the BBB of Metro New York’s website at www.newyork.bbb.org

Shana and Kate